Add one-click surveys to your email signature

Email signatures are great, we love them. But wouldn’t they be even better if they allowed you to feel the pulse of your customers too?

One-click survey

Knowing how satisfied your customers are is extremely important to any business, but instead of wasting their time with long annoying surveys why not subscribe to one of the many one-click survey solutions available? With a one-click survey, you can embed it directly into your email signature and most are customisable in order to remain consistent with your brand. With a one-click survey, you can give your customers the option to provide valuable feedback on the services they have received. So not only are you able to obtain real-time statistics but also ideas on how you can further improve your customers’ experience.


One-click surveys provide an extremely high response rate which makes the results more accurate. This data can be used to help reward team members and also identify areas of weakness within your organisation.  Publicising the results from your surveys internally gives you the option of creating a little friendly competition to drive satisfaction higher.

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