Digital Spring Cleaning

Today is the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere, and many of you will be spending your weekends cleaning up the yard after the wind, rain and that little flutter of snow from the winter. You may even decide to organize your closets, rearrange your drawers, or power-wash the drive.

But what about your digital self?

If you’re anything like us, you’ll spend most of your working day, and possibly your evenings, online. Sat in front of a PC, laptop or smartphone. So as we think about refreshing our daily lives, let also think about our online lives too.

Here are 4 quick and easy steps to help your declutter your digital-self.

1. Consume less

There are increasing concerns about the negative side of technology and, specifically, its addictive nature. Wherever you are in the world, you’ll see people walking around with their heads down, towards their smartphones. If that’s you, Google (with Android P) and Apple (with Screen Time) have a solution, which helps you track, and manage the usage of your smartphone. You’ll be surprised by the amount of time you actually spend online, and how many times you’re notified or check your device. So set yourself a goal of how much time you want to spend online per week. It’s also a good idea to disable as many application notifications as possible, you don’t really need to know that someone has just saved one of your pins on Pinterest do you?

2. Refresh your email signature

Now is a perfect time to contact us for an email signature refresh. Are you still using that nasty looking email signature from 2010? Times change, you may have been promoted, changed your cell phone provider. How about adding a professional headshot image to your email signature. Email signatures are important and reflect you and your business brand. So get in touch for a chat and we’ll help you get it right.

3. Prune who you follow

It’s time to clean up you Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even Instagram. Are you following too many people, or businesses on social media? Stop following those accounts that are no longer relevant or of interest to you. By having a smaller list of those you follow, the time you spend on these apps will be less, but more targeted.

4. Unsubscribe from email lists

Over the years, you’ve probably given your email address to hundreds of businesses, and are still receiving newsletter, announcements and special offers. It’s time to declutter your inbox, and start unsubscribing to these emails. Try performing a search for the word “unsubscribe”. You’ve probably got a lot, so spend a little time and go through the ones you don’t need and start unsubscribing from them.

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