Stop using bloated email templates!!

OK, we’re passionate about creating great looking email signatures which is probably why so many organisations ask us to create them a set of email templates for their email marketing tools. But wait, before you go down the route of picking just the right fonts, colour schemes, templates and of course making sure they look great across all devices and platforms, ask yourself, “what is my email really for?”
<h2>Email = Conversation</h2>
Our response to this is always the same, email is for communication, for having conversations and building a relationship with clients and future clients. Unfortunately, too many marketers have lost sight of this and focus more on click-through rates, spending hours creating pretty emails and arguing about the colour of buttons and links etc.

So, forget about your WYSIWYG email designers and think for a minute.  Your customers don’t really care what your email looks like, they’re interested in what you have to say. So drop the fancy HTML, the banners, the colours and start creating emails in plain text, yes plain text. Your customers want to feel that they are interacting with you as individuals, so write your emails as if they’ve been sent from your email client.
<h2>But wait, we’re designers, right?</h2>
As designers, you’d have thought we’d be all for promoting fabulous HTML emails. But we’re people too, and just like your customers, we get blasted with marketing emails too.  Fancy HTML emails are the electronic equivalent to getting a flyer in the mail, and we all know what happens to those, don’t we?

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