The most annoying email phrases

According to a recent poll by Adobe, the most annoying phrase that is commonly used in office emails is “Not sure if you saw my last email”.

Wow, why do bosses and managers use such inflammatory language in emails when they would never say anything as aggressive face to face? Well here are some more beauties you may have received on the opening lines of your emails.

As discussed” – This is often added to the beginning of emails after a vague conversation you had with your boss while passing in the corridor.

Per our conversation” or “Per my last email” – Many people often use words like “per” to make it sounds as if they are “Judge Judy” in a court of law. The reality is that shits about to go down and this individual is trying to lay a trail of evidence blaming the whole sorry mess at your doorstep.

Any updates on this?” and “Sorry for the double email.” – Sorry not sorry more like. Often used by impatient individuals demanding an immediate update. Our advice to this character is to reply with a 1 line email stating when you’ll back able to get back to them fully.

Please Advise” – If you see this in an email the sender basically wants you to take full responsibility for something that’s nothing to do with you while giving them an excuse to do absolutely nothing themselves. BEWARE, this is also used when projects are about to go south!

Do you send these nasty phrases within your emails? Maybe you should need to review our rules of email etiquette

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