Zero Inbox – Tip #4 – Email sprints

Many of the gang here have taken up either jogging or running to kick start the new year. Most are looking to get back in shape after the holiday season, but did you know that of the 19 million Americans that run 100 days or more per year most of them will never lose any weight. The reason? They are not exercising correctly. If your main reason for running is weight loss, then you should forget about the jogging and start thinking about running and running at between 70 to 75 percent of your maximum heart rate.

OK, but what has this got to do with Zero Inbox strategies? Well, the same principle can be applied to your email and how often you answer them. Instead of toggling between your emails and your tasks, and jogging through your day, dedicate small slices to focus solely on clearing down your inbox.

To kick start this new habit create two or three reminders in your calendar with 30-40 minute time slots for when you will be solely answering and responding to email.

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